*Note: We are not advocates of steroids and do not sell or promote them. This article is for educational purposes.*
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With the advancement in time and technology, the health and fitness industry has grown exponentially.
Some years back, only a few anabolic steroids were available, but now there are many options. However, it is indeed true that not all steroids are created equal, but if you talk about the popular ones, then no list would be complete without Turinabol.
It is one of the most popular anabolic steroids that is used all over the world. Its reach is not limited to just bodybuilding athletes, but it is also used by sportsmen, sprinters and other sports professionals.
So, should you also use it? First, keep in mind that countries have different legal ramifications towards the use or purchase of steroids. We DO NOT support the act of any illegal activities.
If you have any kind of questions related to Turniabol, then you should read this Turinabol review guide. Now, without wasting a single minute, let’s get started.
What Is Turinabol (Tbol)?
Turinabol, also known as Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone or Tbol, is a very powerful oral steroid and it is a derivative of much-known anabolic steroid, Dianabol.
Although it is an androgenic anabolic steroid, it doesn’t require any kind of injection. It is taken orally, and due to this, some people think it is not effective but that’s not true at all.
Tbol has a higher bio-availability and it comes with a half-life of 16 hours. You can say that it is a milder version of Dbol (Dianabol), but the good thing is that Tbol has its own unique benefits.
This compound is very famous among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts and it is used in many countries like Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.
It is a testosterone-driven compound but it comes with some modifications that make it different from others. Unlike another anabolic, it’s not generally for bulking or gaining muscle mass. The main aim of this compound is to increase endurance, strength, stamina and improve the recovery.
Though Tbol is itself very powerful, it can also be used with other steroids to enhance results. This is the reason why most bodybuilders add Tbol to their steroid cycle to make the most out of their primary steroid.
It doesn’t matter whether you are using steroids to gain muscle mass or for shredding fat, Tbol can be used by anyone. It improves the result of the other steroids and even if you take lower dosages, you can potentially see solid results.
Being an oral steroid, it also has some downsides.
Some studies have reported that Tbol can affect the liver negatively, but for someone that has knowledge in the field of steroids, it may or may not pose a big problem.
Most experienced bodybuilders limit their cycle length to protect themselves from its side effects on the liver.
But, for all the people who are new to liver toxic steroids, it is very important to understand the risk of taking these oral steroids. This is the only way you can save yourself and get maximum benefits of Tbol.
Now, if you talk about Tbol from a scientific perspective, then it has similar properties as Clostebol and Dianabol.
The fourth carbon of Tbol contains an additional chlorine atom, which makes it similar to Clostebol. And the main similarity between Dianabol and Tbol is the similar base structure.
In simple terms, you can say it is a cross between Clostebol and Dianabol.

How Does Tbol Work?
Although Tbol is taken orally, it doesn’t make any difference to how it works.
It works the same as other anabolic steroids. The only difference is that you are not injecting any chemical into your body, but instead, you’re swallowing it.
Just like other steroids, Tbol also increases your RBC and boosts nitrogen levels, which helps in keeping your body in an anabolic state. It also enhances the protein synthesis rate and due to this, you gain some lean muscle mass.
The main difference between Tbol and other oral steroids like Dianabol, is the rate at which you attain water, muscle, and glycogen.
Similar to Dianabol, Tbol will fill your body in the first 20 days and then start plateauing off. The only difference is that you will attain less water than you would with Dianabol.
You get very dry and lean gains when you use Tbol. You will retain some water, but it will shed off. The good news is that you will gain high-quality muscle mass, which is one of the best traits of using Tbol.
Benefits of Turinabol
This compound is widely known for its seemingly amazing benefits. One of the best benefits that users love about Tbol is that results can start showing within the first week, and you may clearly see your body changing fairly rapidly.
Below is a list of some of the benefits of using Turinabol:
1- Enhanced Performance
Turinabol can improve your performance and take your workout to the next level. This trait of Tbol makes it perfect for people who haven’t used any other steroids.
The good thing about Tbol is that it doesn’t only improve endurance but it improves all the other important areas of fitness.
For example- it will increase your ability to focus during your workouts. It will help you sustain the intensity for a longer duration. As you know, it increases RBC, which means improved oxygen transfer to the muscles, which will then maximize your endurance.
Apart from this, you will feel less fatigue and more energy running in your veins. The effects of Tbol do not only last while you are taking it but it will provide you a boost for a very long period. Even after you have stopped the cycle, you won’t feel depleted or worn out.
2- Helps In Preserving Lean Tissue
If you are on a cutting cycle and trying to shed some extra pounds and gain some lean muscle, then it is very important to conserve muscle tissue.
Tbol helps in boosting RBC production and nitrogen retention. These factors play a very major role in retaining lean muscle while cutting fat.
Along with this, Tbol doesn’t retain water and due to this, it makes the muscle hard and aesthetically more pleasing. Though it won’t give you hardness like other more advanced steroids, it is a great choice to start your cutting journey.
Tbol will help you get lean and nice and then you can incorporate other steroids to make your body even more crisped.
3- Mass Increment
Well, if you compare Tbol with other steroids, then muscle gain won’t be its best trait, but still, you can get some mild gains, though the gains will be very lean as it does not retain water.
As compared to other anabolic compounds, it won’t make you big and bulky, which is a good thing for people who want to stay on the leaner side.
Speaking of leaner, the gains you will feel by using Tbol will be dry because you will not gain any fluid, only the lean tissue.
4- Enhance Effects Of Other Steroids
One of the main things that sets Tbol apart from others is that it can improve the efficiency and result of other steroids.
Many athletes add Tbol in their other steroids cycle to get better results. Along with being an effective primary steroid, it is also a powerful complementary compound. You can even use it with just testosterone and it will enhance your progress.
5- Better Recovery
When you start the Tbol cycle, you will notice that you are recovering from your workouts faster. This happens because of the Tbol effect on RBC production, nitrogen retention, and protein synthesis.
Tbol positively impacts all these areas, which improves muscle operation with better recovery and improved stamina.

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Side Effects
Before starting any steroid cycle, it is very important to know about the side effects it can give. So, here are some side effects you might get by taking Turinabol:
· Suppressed Testosterone- One main side effect that must know of, when taking Tbol, is that it can suppress the production of natural testosterone.
Though the severity of effects depends on the dosage you are taking and the duration of use, you should be ready with a follow-up PCT to normalize your testosterone levels
· Cholesterol- If you are thinking of using Tbol, then you must be very careful with your cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health.
The main negative effect of Tbol is that it can increase the bad cholesterol while decreasing your HDL (good cholesterol type).
Turinabol is getting very popular among bodybuilders and athletes for some of its benefits. It is the best steroid for people who want to gain some lean muscle mass without getting any fat.
It also works great as a supporting compound and can enhance the results of other steroids. Despite being an oral steroid, Tbol can easily be a great competitor to other injectable steroids.
You just have to make sure you are taking it with full precaution. The one big suggestion is that you start post cycle therapy to overcome its side effects.
Hopefully this Tbol review guide provided you with some valuable information, and aids you on your quest for continual gains.
