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If you are looking for a review of the steroid Boldenone, then this is the perfect place for you. We have thoroughly researched and reviewed Boldenone Undecylenate.
This review includes everything that you need to know about Boldenone – its benefits, side effects, history, and everything else.
Basically, Boldenone Undecylenate is a synthetic androgen and anabolic androgenic steroid. It is sold as Equipoise, Boldane, Vebonol, Parenabol and many such other names. Moreover, it was originally invented for veterinary usage, mainly for horses, but with time it became a commonly used drugs by the athletes.
Athletes use this steroid to enhance their performance in sports and athletics. The chemical structure of boldenone is almost the same as testosterone. It releases erythropoietin in the kidneys and it also activates protein synthesis.
Sometimes, athletes make use of Boldenone to gain strength and muscle mass despite being banned in sports and possessing potential side effects. That is why athletes must be aware of all the safety and health issues of the drug before their intake.
You must have heard “excess to everything is bad” – when you take too much of anything it starts hurting you. That is why it is advised to take this steroid in limits and after considering its side effects.

History of Boldenone Undecylenate
Boldenone Undecylenate which is also known as Equipoise, Vebonol, Parenabol, and other such names, was developed by CIBA in the year 1949 as an injectable steroid. All the patents of the drug are in the name of CIBA and the esters of the compound were made in the years 1950 and 1960.
After some time and after being used on horses and in the cattle industry, Boldenone Undecylenate started getting used for humans too. In the 1960s, it began to be used as an injectable steroid in the brand name Parenabol.
Eventually, by the late 1970s, the usage of this drug on humans was discontinued because of its side effects. But, again, it was introduced as Equipoise by Squibb for veterinary use. Boldenone was mainly invented for horses, so it has, and continues to be, widely used by veterinarians.
It should be known that this drug is not legalized by any government for human use. Boldenone Undecylenate is sold for veterinary purposes or it is sold in the underground labs of black markets.
Although its usage is banned for humans, there are athletes who use it to enhance their performance because this drug may work powerfully on the human body.
Benefits of Boldenone Undecylenate
One of the most important benefits of Boldenone is that the drug is that it enhances performance. It increases nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in the muscles. Moreover, it restrains glucocorticoid hormones and enhances the output of IGF-1.
If someone’s red blood count is low and decreasing slowly, then Equipoise is the perfect solution to give to them because it increases red blood cell count, and does so at a fast pace. Most users can bear this steroid very well in that scenario.
Earlier, Boldenone was used for the treatment of certain diseases like osteoporosis. But, after that, more advanced and better treatments were discovered.
Athletes use this steroid to increase their appetite as well as performance. But, you should keep in mind that it affects different individuals differently. For some, it’s good and for some, it’s not.
As soon as an individual becomes familiar with the characteristics and features of Equipoise, then he/she can start the steroid cycle. Most importantly, you should know how your body responds to a particular steroid so that you can take it accordingly and to determine whether or not you need to add more compounds or not.
In addition to this, it increases the mass of the muscles slowly, but surely and in continuity. The injections of the drug should be given once a week but it would be more beneficial if you take the injections two times a week.
Furthermore, the benefits and effects Boldenone Undecylenate are pretty obvious, and also bearable for most people. The benefits of Equipoise are clearly visible as some people will experience a rise in appetite.
According to some studies, Equipoise had been successful in the treatment of various muscle-wasting diseases. Also, it’s officially approved for the usage of veterinarians to treat horses and cattle.
These were the benefits of Boldenone, but one thing that you should keep in mind is that every drug has two sides to it, and this steroid is no exception. As much as it’s beneficial, it is equally harmful too.

Side Effects of Boldenone Undecylenate
Every coin has two sides, and, in the same way, Boldenone also has a good side as well as a bad side. This drug is said to be tolerated by most men as well as women; however, it affects negatively when it is used along with other steroids.
Moreover, it may also have different side effects on different individuals. The side effects are as followed:
Estrogenic: This drug cause an estrogenic effect on your hormones. Also, some people can also experience water retention because of this drug, which can cause an increase in blood pressure.
In addition, there are possibilities that can cause gynecomastia in some people.
Moreover, to fight the estrogenic effects of Boldenone, you may need to takae other products like Nolvadex or Tamoxifen. In addition to an increase in blood pressure, the users may also experience an increase in the cholesterol level.
But, this all differs from person to person. So, before taking steroids, a person must consider their own individual health factors.
Androgenic: Equipoise, or Boldenone, can also cause Androgenic effects on an individual. It can cause side effects such as hair loss, acne, increase in body hair and so many more.
These side effects can be seen only if an individual is taking the drug excessively and in large amounts. Also, they can be seen if an individual is already suffering from various conditions such as acne, hair loss, body hair growth, and so on.
Other than this, if women also take Equipoise, then they can also experience such side effects. Along with these side effects, they may also experience deepened voices, fast and increased growth in facial hair, and there are possibilities of clitoris enlargement.
Cardiovascular: It can also cause harm to the cardiovascular system of an individual. However, it may not have as strong an affect as other steroids do on the cardiovascular system.
Most healthy and immune individuals do not get affected by this. But to be safe, it’s better to check on your necessary vitals frequently if you’re on the steroid.
To reduce the cardiovascular effect of Equipoise on the body, you can keep your diet cholesterol-friendly, and add various omega fatty acids in it. Along with this, exercise works best for keeping your heart healthy and to increase the benefits of Boldenone in your body.
Testosterone: Just like all the other steroids, Equipoise too, suppresses the natural testosterone generation of the body, although it is not as suppressive a steroid as others are.
Some people add testosterone into their steroid cycle to stop the testosterone from getting low. Once the cycle ends, the testosterone begins to develop in the body naturally.
Hepatotoxicity: Even though Boldenone Undecylenate is not good for certain parts of the body, it doesn’t cause any harm to the liver.

We have covered just about everything that you need to know about this steroid. It has various benefits, but also has various side effects too. Boldenone was basically developed for horses and cattle, but, with time it, humans began using it.
Although the usage of this steroid is banned for human usage, people, particularly athletes and bodybuilders use it to increase their muscle mass, strength, and overall athletic performance. Because it’s not legal, users obtain the steroid from the black market.
As much as the steroid is beneficial, it is equally harmful. In terms of benefits, it increases the red blood cell count quickly, enhances performance, and is most used by veterinarians for treating horses and cattle.
Some side effects may include causing certain cardiovascular problems, reducing and suppressing the production of testosterone in the body, and many more. That is why it is advised to take this steroid only after evaluating your overall health.
Although we do not advocate the use of steroids for recreational use, many will continue to use them despite the side effects. We simply suggest continuing to get educated and understanding the risk factors prior to engaging in the use of Boldenone Undecylenate and any other steroid.