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Mass gainer supplement? Sound weird?
Today people want to make gains and, therefore, perform laborious exercises to obtain healthy and aesthetically-pleasing muscles. Despite their effort, they sometimes end up having very little to show for it.
Do you want to build solid, healthy muscle? If so, one route that many take, is the purchasing of a reliable mass gainer supplement.
For those of you that may not be aware, a mass gainer supplement is a mixture of carbohydrates and amino acids that can give you the best results and boost the growth of your muscles. There are a lot of mass gainer supplements on the market, which can make selection difficult.
When it doubt, it’s always good to choose a supplement that has minimal negative effect on your body, and fits your goals and budget. Below are some of the best mass gainer supplements on Amazon, their benefits, pros, and cons.
Optimum Nutrition: Serious Mass Gainer (#1)

This is considered, by many, to be the best mass gainer supplement on the market.
You can add nuts, fruits, grains or whatever you’d like, and blend them together with your scoop(s) of Serious Mass Gainer in order to add in some extra calories and vary the taste.
-It provides a high calorie-packed formula, including 1250 calories per serving.
-It helps to gain desirable mass or weight.
-It is in powder form. Therefore, you can add other high-caloric ingredients to boost its power.
-It has a chocolate flavor. 🙂
-It can give an allergic reaction to those that may be allergic to wheat, soy, milk, or eggs.
-Those that have a medical condition might need to proceed with caution.
-Diabetics should consult with a doctor.
Solimo Whey Protein Powder (#2)

Solimo Whey Protein Powder With Creatine has 32g of protein and 2.6g of amino acids. It comes in a variety of flavors. You can blend it with water, cold water, milk, or smoothies. It has the potential to give you excellent results.
-It helps to gain desirable mass or weight.
-It comes in powder form. Therefore, you can add other high-caloric ingredients to boost its power.
-Those with certain allergies should proceed with caution.
-People with medical conditions should consult their doctor before ordering it.
-Women who are pregnant should consult a professional before using it.
The Genius Brand- Genius Muscle (#3)

The genius brand is a natural growth gainer. It has many good qualities for both men and women.
-It helps you build muscle faster.
-According to one study, it has the capability to increase your power within seven days.
-It is a 100% human-tested supplement.
-Medical conditions and allergies must be taken into account.
-Should be avoided if you start showing symptoms of fatigue or insomnia.
-Some people complain of stomach aches.
-Some people complain of taste and not feeling any effect.
Rivalus Mass Gainer (#4)

Rivalus is another delicious mass gainer supplement. Rivalus is a solid mixture of protein, carbohydrates, and lipids. It is made in America.
-Rivalus supports and enhances muscle strength.
-It is designed to help soothe muscle pain.
-It contains 560g calories.
-Some complaints of terrible smell and taste.
-Some complaints of upset stomach.
-Those with certain allergies should proceed with caution.
-People with medical conditions may want to avoid using it.
FoodBoost Max (#5)

Excellent food appetite stimulant for both men and women. Mass gain pills for a month. The box contains 120 capsules.
-It increases desire to consume more calories.
-It helps in the growth of muscles.
-It boosts digestive system.
-It promotes bile production as well.
-As we know, it’s herbal-based, so it can cause allergy for some users.
-It can also irritate some users.
-Stop using it if you experience any swelling symptoms.
Dymatize Mass Gainer (#6)

Dymatize mass gainer is an excellent mass gainer supplement. It comes in powder form. It has 1280 calories per serving. It is a good mixture of protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.
-It immediately supports your muscles’ fuel.
-It comes in a vanilla flavor for those who love vanilla. 🙂
-It Increases hunger.
-It boosts the digestive system.
-Those with allergies should proceed with caution.
-Some complaints about feeling a bit depressed after taking it.
-Might contain a bit too much sugar for some.
MuscleTech Mass Gainer Supplement (#7)

This is a product that has the potential to give you a powerful chest, broad shoulders, strong chest, back, and muscular arms. It is liked by many bodybuilders, weightlifters and powerlifters.
-It is an excellent supplement for athletes and bodybuilders who do not want extra fat on their physique.
-It is a scientifically-tested mass gainer.
-It can increase the size of your chest, arms, and back.
-Those with allergies and medical conditions should be careful.
-Some complain that it’s too thick.
-Some complain of the taste.
BSN True-Mass Weight Gainer (#8)

This has a good mixture of protein and carbohydrates. It supports your muscle growth. It provides solid caloric support to your body.
-It can give you a powerful chest, broad shoulders, and strong chest, back, and muscular arms.
-It immediately supports your muscles’ fuel.
-It also supports recovery efforts.
-Those with allergies should proceed with caution.
-Those with medical conditions should proceed with caution.
-Some complaints of stomach pain.
-Some complaints of the bland taste.
Muscle Milk Gainer (#9)

Muscle Milk gainer is a mixture of vanilla and protein. It helps to keep your body in protein and caloric balance. It is an essential source of protein and nutrients. It is in powder form so can quickly mix with shakes or milk.
-It can be easily mixed with shakes or milk and other recipes.
-It refuels and rebuilds your body as well as your muscles.
-It builds your body fairly quickly.
-Those with allergies and medical conditions should proceed with caution.
-Some complaints of taste.
-Some complaints of ineffectiveness.
NOW Sports Nutrition- Carbo Gain (#10)

It is an excellent mass gainer supplement. Due to its unique characteristics, it can be digested easily. It is in powder form so can quickly mix with shakes or milk.
-Carbo Gain supports and enhances muscle strength.
-It’s designed to break down muscle, which helps with long-term growth.
-It is a safe supplement.
-Those with allergic reactions and medical conditions should proceed with caution.
-Some complaints of bad taste.
-Some complaints of indigestion when taking it.
As you can tell, nowadays, there are a lot of scientifically-tested mass gainer supplements. They provide you with both extra calories and vitamins. Some can even improve your digestive system.
Although mass gainer supplements are a great way to support your journey and build strength and muscle, keep in mind that they aren’t necessarily a replacement for food or exercise. Combining a solid mass gainer with proper diet and exercise ,will yield you the best results.