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Chronic fatigue syndrome is something that many people suffer from, and many who aren’t diagnosed with this syndrome, might also feel its lingering effects.
In fact, a majority of people feel fatigue at various points of their day, and even if they don’t suffer from chronic fatigue, can benefit from the right vitamins, minerals, supplements, or products that treat it.
Whether you’re always tired, can’t stay awake at work, or find it hard to function throughout the course of your day, these are a few of the best energy supplements for chronic fatigue to help you get through your day.

Even though you probably can’t pronounce it, it is one of the oldest herbal medicines in Indian Ayurevada and one of the oldest medicinal treatments in the world. It helps increase energy levels by increasing your body’s resilience to both mental and to physical stress. And yes, everyone struggles with both forms of stress, even if they seem to manage them well.
Individuals who took Ashwaghanda have been found to have the following:
– Decreased cortisol levels
– Decreased levels of stress
– Improvements in handling mental fatigue
– More energy levels than those who aren’t utilizing the herbal supplement.
It’s also natural, meaning there is low risk of side effects as well.

Most people know this supplement to help in treating general body aches, fatigue, and even improve joint mobility. But, it is also one of the best energy supplements for chronic fatigue you can utilize as well. It’s made naturally in the body and found in the body’s cells, so increasing levels of CoQ10 is naturally beneficial.
When levels decrease, the body
undergoes stress, fatigue, and you simply don’t have enough energy to
get through the normal course of your day. By increasing levels, you
will notice a marked improvement in energy levels, your ability to
reason, and overall cognitive function.
For chronic fatigue
sufferers, you might be deficient in CoQ10. Therefore, a supplement
will naturally help increase these levels, in turn, increasing your
energy levels with few (if any) side effects.

Studies suggest that chronic fatigue
syndrome makes the body constantly act as it’s fighting an infection.
Because of this, a prescription antimicrobial can help your body in
fighting the infection that’s attacking it (or the infection the body
thinks is attacking it).
Valcyte is one of the prescriptions
that doctors can often prescribe to help in treating chronic fatigue
syndrome. It treats HHV-6, which is commonly found in those who
suffer from chronic fatigue.
Although there are mixed conclusions as to how much this, or other antimicrobials can help, it might be worth speaking to your doctor to find out if this is the underlying reason for your chronic fatigue. If so, they might prescribe an antimicrobial to help fight it.
Anti-Anxiety Drugs

Many chronic fatigue sufferers suffer from anxiety disorders. Xanax or Klonopin are a couple of the most prescribed drugs to help treating anxiety and chronic fatigue.
The belief is that these medications
can help you calm down from the anxiety that you suffer from, in
turn, helping improve overall levels of stress, reducing cortisol
levels, and helping improve overall calming effects on the body.
It’s important to note that there are
certain side effects with anti-anxiety drugs. These can include
insomnia, convulsions, or muscle cramps. It is, therefore, important
to discuss stopping these medications, and also avoiding abrupt
stoppage, if they aren’t helping in treating the chronic fatigue
syndrome you suffer from.

This is a nootropic that is also known to help in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. The high-altitude herb is found in Asia and European countries. It is commonly used in Russian, Scandinavian, as well as in Chinese medicine.
Research suggests it can help improve our mental performance. It is also linked to helping to reduce stress levels, and fighting the adverse reactions of stress. Users might also experience increases in energy levels.
Rhodiola can also help improve cognitive function and help improve the brain’s overall capacity with time. As with other herbal remedies, this nootropic is natural. It is often stacked with other herbal treatments, or can be used on its own, and users don’t experience adverse side effects for the most part.

It’s one of the most well-known,
natural sleep aids you can purchase to help treating insomnia or
other sleep conditions. However, it can also help treat chronic
fatigue syndrome, for those who suffer from this anxiety disorder.
Melatonin can potentially help with the following:
– Reduce inflammation and pain
– Support cellular immune function
– Promote healing of damaged tissues
It can also help improve your metabolism if you suffer from thyroid conditions and have a hard time losing or maintaining weight.
Why is it beneficial in treating chronic fatigue syndrome? Well, it’s known to help relax the body. It will naturally help you reduce cortisol levels, which are linked to high stress levels. It is serotonin-derived, and naturally modulates sleep patterns. It will help you relax, loosen up, and can reduce stress and tension levels.
It’s natural, therefore users don’t have to worry about adverse side effects or reactions when using melatonin, either as a sleep aid, or to help them in treating their chronic fatigue syndrome. It will naturally help you calm down, which is a great starting point to treating fatigue and tiredness.
Although there are numerous medications you can purchase, many of these come with different side effects, and some people can’t use them (especially those who take other medications or prescriptions). Therefore, the use of natural supplements, vitamins, and minerals, is a great option to consider, if you do suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.
Those are a few of the best energy supplements for chronic fatigue. It is advisable to discuss their use with your doctor to ensure they’re safe and won’t adversely interact with other medications you take.
If you’re constantly tired, you might suffer from chronic fatigue and if that’s the case, talk to your doctor and consider some of these recommendations to help in treating it.