Note: We do not encourage buying, selling, or using steroids. This article is for educational purposes.
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Bodybuilders and many other athletes must keep their bodies in the best of shape in order to optimize their performance.
Muscle mass is extremely important in some athletic and sports events like bodybuilding, short distance running, powerlifting and various track & field events.
Some athletes, however, feel as though building lean muscle may not always be as simple as lifting weights and eating healthy.
The body requires proper synthesis of protein and other nutrients and there should be adequate transportation of oxygen and nutrients to various parts of the body, through red blood cells.
Therefore, many feel the need to take supplements that can help in the process of building muscle, and some even resorts to using steroids. One such steroid is Anadrol.
What is Anadrol?
Those who have used Anadrol have quite a few things positive to tell about it. This is considered to be one of the most popular and result-oriented anabolic steroids that’s available on the market today.
It has earned name and fame because users seem to see results fast.
The results are evident almost immediately and there are some users who may start seeing the results with a day’s time.
While the results are considered by some to be fantastic, the steroid could also have its own share of problems because of some possible side effects. According to both the users and experts, Anadrol is considered to be a highly toxic steroid.
The steroid first prepared in the year 1960 and was used for treating anemia and also for muscle wasting. It became a steroid of choice for thousands of AIDS patients and there have been scores of instances where the patients were able to add 17 pounds to their weight.
It obviously caught the attention of bodybuilders and athletes. They started using it for building muscle mass and for improving lean muscle build.
The steroid comes with a 17aa modification and this is made in the 17th atom. This is quite a big breakthrough because it allows for oral usage.

How Does Anadrol Work?
To begin with, Anadrolhelps in increasing the quantum of red blood cells.
We know that red blood cells, or RBC, play a big role in supplying oxygen and other vital nutrients to various part of the body including our muscles, tissues, bones, etc.
When the body gets increased supply of high quality oxygen and other nutrients because of high quality red blood cells, it manifests in many positive ways.
It increases energy levels and endurance levels. It helps to build muscles and tissues, and repair damaged muscles; all of which happens fairly rapidly.
Bodybuilders and athletes need to exercise and hit the gym almost on a daily basis. This requires endurance and staying power, and this is possible only if their muscles have an adequate quantity of oxygen and other vital ingredients.
When bodybuilders, athletes and others use Anadrol in combination with other macronutrients like protein and carbohydrates, the synthesis and absorption improves dramatically.
Hence the repair, development and reconstruction of muscles and tissues happen quite well when compared to almost any other steroid. The results start manifesting almost immediately.
There have been instances where the users have started seeing improvement in muscle bulking almost within two to three days. However, we should bear in mind that Anadrol, alone, will not produce significant results.
It will help in better absorption and synthesis of various macronutrients, with particular reference to proteins. The best results will be visible only for men who are regular in their workouts and take the help of bodybuilding and weight management guidelines.

Anadrol Benefits
There are obviously a number of benefits using this steroid. There are many Anadrol review articles that are testimony to it.
Here are some of the big reasons why many consider using this anabolic steroid:
-Superb in Bulking:
There is no denying the fact that use of Anadrol most certainly can lead to significant bulking of muscles. As mentioned many times above, the results will be visible almost immediately.
In most cases, the users can see the results in a day or two. It is quite obvious that there aren’t many other steroids that can match Anadrol when it comes to rapid bulking.
-Improvement in Stamina:
Building muscles and tissues is easier said than done. It requires hard work and the end users must spend quite a bit of time almost daily in gyms and engage in different types of muscle building and strengthening workouts. This consumes quite a bit of energy and stamina.
When bodybuilders, athletes and other users add a dosage of Anadrol to their regimen, they may see a big improvement in energy levels and stamina.
This is because Anadrol increases the quantity of red blood cells and this, in turn, helps in better supply of oxygen and other important nutrients to the various parts of the body, including muscles, tissues and bones.
-Improvement in Strength:
Repeat exercises and workouts are critical for improving lean muscle mass, and also for muscle tearing and rebuilding. This is not possible without proper strength.
Those who have used Anadrol have talked about noticeable and continuous improvement in strength levels. This helps them carry out workouts for longer periods of time. Users also notice that recovery periods also come down quite significantly.
-Gives Better Results:
Helps to start the cycle quickly giving better results. It has been proven many times that Anadrol has a much shorter cycle.
This is quite understandable because it starts working on the body in a couple of days’ time. It is considered to be one of the best options for those who want to start their bulking cycle immediately and get over it with in a shorter period of time.

Side Effects of Anadrol
While the results associated with Anadrol are impressive, many reviews suggest that it is one of the most toxic anabolic steroids in the market today.
It is, therefore, very important to have a clear understanding about the possible side effects. We are listing down some of the possible side effects.
Before dealing with the side effects briefly, we would like to make one thing clear. Anyone who wants to make use of this steroid must be sure to get guidance from their doctors and personal physicians, on top of understanding any sort of legal consequences in your area.
Many potential users could be suffering from existing medical conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, blood sugar and other such problems.
These patients should be very careful when using this steroid and they must strictly go by the opinion and recommendation of medical professionals.
Here are some of the potential side effects:
- Increased sex drive is a common side effect associated with the use of Anadrol. While this may be welcomed by many, at times the desire becomes so intense and uncontrollable that it could lead to a number of other associated problems, both physical and mental.
- Increase of hair growth in various parts of the body is another common side effect as far as this steroid is concerned.
- Hoarseness and change of voice. While this is not a major issue, it does go to prove that Anadrol does impact our bodies negatively.
- Increased chances of acne, pimples and other such skin problems.
- Water retention is a common problem associated with this anabolic steroid. Hence, people with impaired kidneys should be extremely careful when using Anadrol.
- Long-term usage of this product is known to cause liver damage and, in some cases, the damage might be permanent and irreversible.
- Overdosage or indiscreet use of this steroid could, at times, could lead to a life-threatening condition.

The recommended dosage is 1-5 mg/kg of body weight each day (or 1-5mg per 2.2 pounds of body weight).
However, higher dosages may be required for bulking cycles and also for cutting purposes. Therefore many experts are not in favor of having a one-dosage-fits-all sort of a thing.
They would like to make it case specific and take into account various factors such as age, present physical condition, medications that the end users might be taking, and the overall objective of using Anadrol.
It would be better to get started with a lower dosage and then move up the ladder until the optimum dosage levels are reached. Be aware of any side effects. Upon seeing som side effects, users should stop taking the steroid and seek a doctor’s opinion before getting started again.
Though there are many anabolic, androgenic steroids on the market, those who have used Anadrolhave reasons to believe that this is perhaps one of the best for those who want to gain an edge in muscle bulking within a short period of time.
Yes, it is a tricky drug when it comes to side effects, but if you are able to manage it properly, legally, and ethically, you could potentially stand to benefit in more ways than one.
