Hey everyone! Welcome to my site! My name is David Hoang and I’m super, super, super, super (can ya tell that I love to say the word “super” a lot?) FIRED UP to have you here! I love putting together online projects and it’s my goal to make this project the biggest one yet! For the last 12+ years I’ve had a strong passion for health, fitness, nutrition, and supplementation! Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to try a myriad number of supplements from various brands and finally decided to put together a health/fitness/supplement review site!
Now, don’t get me wrong…….I don’t claim to be some health guru, nutritional scientist, medical doctor, sports trainer, etc, etc. In a way……you can say I’m probably just like you…….unless you claim to be one of the above professions. I’m just your ordinary guy, who has a strong interest in supplements and being healthy in general.
I’m from the farm-filled Midwestern state of Wisconsin over here in the U.S. I actually work a regular Monday to Friday office job in sales training.
My interest in supplements started at a pretty young age. When I was a little kid my mom would frequently feed me kids’ multivitamins and I ABSOLUTELY fell in love with them because of their taste (my favorites were the Flintstones and superhero brands)!
When I transitioned into my pre-teen and teenage years, I started becoming educated on the importance of nutrition and taking in various minerals, especially calcium. I didn’t drink much milk when I was younger, so whenever I was at the store I would explore the various calcium supplements that lined the shelves. Being the short guy that I am (I stand a staggering 5’3″ or 160cm), I was always trying to find a shortcut to grow taller! 🙂
Throughout my high school career I ran Cross Country and Track, which honestly changed my life on soooooo many levels. This was truly my first introduction to fitness and becoming healthier. Although I really wasn’t that great of a runner, I developed such a passion for fitness that I continued running and lifting for fun throughout college, and now, currently, in my spare time throughout my professional career!
Outside of working my day job and hitting the gym, I enjoy working on various online projects, watching YouTube videos, watching Netflix, following UFC and WWE, hanging out with friends, having an occasional night of Karaoke, eating at good restaurants, reading books, and spending time with family.
Although I’m not married and don’t have kids, my biggest passion is my family. I come from a pretty big family consisting of 2 sisters, 3 brothers, and numerous cousins, aunts, and uncles who live around my general area.
Hopefully this gives you a bit of insight into who I am! If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I love meeting and interacting with new people! Enjoy the site!
Supp. It. Up.
-David Hoang