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Working out regularly controls your body weight. This can prevent you from gaining extra weight and help you fight various health diseases and conditions.
There is no denying that it is much easier and convenient to exercise at home than visiting a fitness class or gym when there is no time in your busy schedule.
But, even at home, it becomes difficult to concentrate on the workout and take some time out of your entire routine when there is so much to do at home.
The first thing you must do before starting with your regular workout at home is to set a few goals first. Write a schedule for your work out and religiously stick to it and celebrate a healthier and happier you.
You will not require any heavy gym machines or professional and personal trainers to get you toned at home. Just follow some easy-peasy steps mentioned below and you’ll be good to go!
Creating Healthy Habits – 9 Tips

1.Figure out suitable exercises
For an adult to be fit, it requires around 150 minutes of adequate cardiovascular activity a week, or 75 minutes of energetic and vigorous activity.
Besides cardio, an adult must also work on strength and resistance training at least 2 to 3 times a week.
Before beginning any workout plan, depending on your physical and mental condition, it may be a good idea to consult a primary health physician. They can provide certain recommendations and suggestions depending on your weight, level of fitness, age, etc.
2.Create a schedule
Maintaining a proper workout schedule every day will help you in pushing through, especially on hard days.
You can set your alarm which acts as a trigger. Workouts should preferably be performed in the morning. This helps to keep yourself productive, fresh, and energized for the entire day.
3.Make exercise a priority
It is extremely important to keep yourself fit. If you do not get much time to work out, cut down other activities like watching television, extra work hours, etc.
Encourage and convince yourself and others to get toned and the importance of leading a healthy life. Make it a priority just like eating and breathing.
4.Measure your physical attributes
With a measuring tape, measure your various body parts, such as waist circumference, upper arms, calves, thighs, hips, etc.
Maintain a journal and add the measurements in that journal to keep track of your progress and feel motivated and encouraged when these measurements change and improve.
Measure BMI or body mass index by assessing either with fat calipers or with an online application or calculator. In your exercise journal, record your body weight from time to time and monitor all the aspects of physical health.
5.Set realistic fitness goals
To maintain any habit for a longer period, it is wise to fix goals that are measurable and specific. If you are a beginner, then start with smaller goals and then move onto the more ambitious and bigger goals.
As you accomplish your goals, reward yourself along the way. Rewards do not have to be extravagant. They could be as simple as going shopping or showing off your newly toned figure to some close friends.

6.Eat healthy and timely by making a diet plan
Working out will certainly help in burning fat and calories; however, if your diet is poor and not well balanced, all your efforts will be a waste.
Make a well-balanced diet plan that includes enormous amounts of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins that will push you to become toned and lean more quickly.
If your diet is healthy and consistent, you can maintain your physique for a long time.
7.Choose a routine that you find enjoyable
If your exercise routine consists of exercises that you find genuinely fun, you are more likely to have stick to it and continuously reap benefits from it.
Try to keep a routine for as long as 3 weeks. If you do not enjoy the routine, then feel free to try a new approach. It normally takes 3 to 4 weeks for activities to transform to habits.
8.Get yourself a workout companion
If you find yourself a workout buddy, it will become easier to maintain your regular workout schedule since you are now responsible for another person’s goals and time too.
Having a workout partner is more fun and you can support each other along the journey. Pick a schedule and place that’s convenient for both of you and maximize the amount of fun you have with your workouts.
9.Watch Exercise Videos Online for Better Knowledge
Plan the kind of exercise you want – There are thousands of workout videos that you will find online, ranging from dance-workout videos, muscle-toning videos, high-intensity plyometrics, etc.
The type of workout you choose will highly depend on your time, goals, general health, fitness level, capacity, etc.
Ask yourself questions like – Will I enjoy this workout? Am I physically fit to complete a given exercise? Is the workout routine challenging enough?
Select a video that fits well into your routine – Workout videos can range in duration from ten minutes to over 60 minutes. If you choose a video that suits your schedule and goal, it will be more effective and you may find yourself obsessed with working out!
Buy the necessary equipment – Since you are working out at home, you may need equipment and tools like dumbbells, pull-up bars, or stretch bands.
Sometimes there’s absolutely no need to purchase extra items to meet your targeted goals. You can certainly make use of the materials you find lying around your home, such as bottles for hand-weights, chairs for bench workouts, etc.
12 Best Workouts to Help You Get Toned at Home

1.Push-ups – This workout is great for toning your chest, triceps, arms, and shoulders. If you are a beginner, you can start with knee push-ups and then gradually level up. The exact number of sets, reps, and variations can vary depending on your fitness level.
2.Squats – This amazing workout works well for your lower body. It effectively works on your butt, thigh, and hip muscles. There are several variations to the squat exercise, each having its focal point.
3.Toning your bottom and thigh muscles – You can try squats, lunges, reverse leg lifts, reverse lunges, bridges, inside thigh raises, etc. Choose some of these movements and try them out to sculpt the legs and tone your bottom and thigh muscles.
4.Ab workouts- Apart from the usual crunches that everyone does to get abs, you can try to modify the usual ones and do bicycle crunches instead, with overhead dumbbells.
Mix it up with other abs workouts such as 10 push-ups, 20 supermans, one min side planks, side planks with dumbbells on one side, forearm planks, etc.
5.Tone your arms with resistance bands- If you have resistance bands at home, make full use of them. They are amazing for toning your arm muscles and increasing your strength.
If you want to make this workout more challenging than usual, place your feet farther away on the band. This creates more resistance and requires more effort. The closer your feet are, the lesser the effort required.
6.Hardcore cardio shred – Cardio exercise get the blood pumping and helps in burning calories faster. High-energy exercises include burpees, skater lunges, mountain climbers, side planks, knee-to-shoulder knee-ins, and knee-to-opposite shoulder knee-ins.
To sum it up, it is important to shift your mindset in regards to losing weight or getting toned. This is one of the biggest factors in getting toned.
Most of us try to develop a habit with a bad mindset. This results in following exercise and diet plans that do not fetch them the desired outcomes. It’s absolutely vital to have a positive and proactive, yet realist mindset toward your goals.
If your exercise is efficient and your diet is well-balanced and controlled, you can expect to lose weight and get toned within a month.
However, you must not forget that it is easier said than done. You need to push yourself every day to pull yourself out from your cozy bed and reach the last set of your workout.
If you work out with a companion, the journey becomes enjoyable and this is how you can develop a solid habit. It is also equally important to maintain a healthy diet. If you put in all your hard work, but constantly eat junk food, all your efforts go to waste.
It’s also important to focus on long-term goals and your overall health. Do not create goals just to look good at your sister’s wedding.
If you keep playing with your body, and simply focus on physique without taking care of your overall health, it could be harsh and dangerous for your body and lead to complications, which could include heart disease, hormone problems, and diabetes.
Set life-long goals, keep balanced habits, and continue striving to be the best person you can possibly be!
