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Nowadays everyone is looking for alternative ways to keep fit or to exercise at home. Indeed, many gyms are currently closed due to the global pandemic that is affecting our lives so much.
You might be missing the so-called strength training, but contrary to what you may think you can build muscle without lifting a barbell or sitting on a machine.
What Does Concentric Contraction Mean?
When talking about strength training, you are referring to, without knowing, the art of concentric exercises.
For how exotic it might sound, concentric exercises are nothing more than exercises involving the process of pushing and lifting, which cause a concentric muscle contraction.
By definition, such a contraction increases the tension on a muscle as the muscle shortens. Indeed, if you know something about sports science (or biology), you may know that your muscles contract and lengthen to allow movement.
There are mainly three types of contractions: isometric eccentric and concentric, with the concentric movement being focused on the middle ground of muscle stress. Examples of concentric exercises include bicep curls, which is a classic example when used to explain contraction.
Powerlifters tend to focus their routines on concentric exercises, as they improve your power and speed.
To help you add some exercises that focus on concentric contraction to help you build muscles, we put together this list of concentric exercises that target various parts of the body.
For solid results, choose three or five of these exercises and perform three sets of 5 to 10 repetitions per set.

1.Dumbbell Curl
Dumbbell curls (also known biceps curls) are one of those basics exercises you should include to build up muscle in your arms. This exercise is quite easy but can be highly effective if done in the right way.
All you have to do is to hold dumbbells (or some kind of weight) to challenge you while allowing you do to the movement with the right form.
Hold the weights with your arms by your sides and keep your elbows close to your torso and your palms facing forward. With your arms firm, exhale as you bring the weights up to shoulder level curling your lower arms and contracting your biceps.
You can perform some variations of the classic dumbbell curl: for example, you can do the exercise lying down on a flat bench to tackle your deltoids as well.
Also, if you are looking to target your outer biceps, you might want to consider doing some hammer curls. Starting from the same position, flex your weight to the opposite shoulder.
Some sugget that beginners perform at least 2 sets of 12 repetitions, while experts might prefer 4 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions.
2.(Weighted) Squats
Squats are renowned for being one of the best exercises to tackle your lower body. If you are looking to train your glutes, thighs, and hips, there is no better exercise than squats, in their various forms.
Also, you can do squats pretty much everywhere as you don’t need much space nor weights. Of course, you can add some weights (for example by holding some dumbbells) if you want to challenge yourself, but if you don’t have weights or don’t want to use them, you can simply use your bodyweight.
The basic squat is simple, but you need to do it correctly to make the most out of it. First of all, stand with your feet open at hip or shoulder width. Keep your core tight and bend your knees slowly, keeping your glutes contracted slightly outwards.
Once you’ve reached a height that is lower than your hips, pause briefly and contract your glutes to lift yourself to the start position.
You can add weights for increased intensity or use elastic bands to challenge yourself even more.
If you want to target your legs differently, consider doing some sumo squats instead, which are essentially basic squats performed with your feet even wider apart, to tackle your inner tights.
3.Walking Lunges
A great variation of the classic static lunge, walking lunges are one of our preferred concentric exercises.
Instead of standing upright and bringing one leg back while kneeling, with walking lunges, you walk forward while lounging with one leg and then the other.
This exercise is useful to strengthen the muscles of our legs, hips, glutes, and also your core.
If you wish to make the exercise slightly more challenging, you can add weights or perform them with a torso twist.

If you are looking to tackle your upper body, you cannot go wrong with pull-ups.
With this exercise, you will tackle your abs, your arms, and shoulders, and also your back muscles. They require a bit of strength and if you can’t do them alone you can use resistance bands or spotters to help you on the way up.
To do a proper pull-up, grab the pull-up bar with your palms facing downwards at the width of your shoulder. Use your hands to grab the pull-up bar with your arms straight and your feet off the floor.
Then pull yourself up, making sure your elbows are directing towards the floor. If you can, try to go all the way up until your chin goes over the bar. Lower yourself and get back to the starting position.
5.Overhead Tricep Extensions
With tricep extensions, you’ll be targeting your tricep muscles through an effective concentric exercise.
To do tricep extensions, you should get some weights or dumbbells and position your feet shoulder width apart. Hold the weights with both hands and lift them above your head until your arms are properly stretched.
From there, slowly bring the weights back behind your head, without flaring your elbows out too much.
Keep your upper arms in place during the movement for better results. When your forearms are parallel to the floor, bring your weights back to your starting position and repeat.
6.Glute Bridges
Another great exercise to tackle your lower body, particularly your glutes, are glute bridges.
Not only are they a good workout for having the perfect booty, but they also contribute to improving flexibility and balance. On top of that, they are one of the best concentric exercises you can perform from literally anywhere.
Glutes bridges are relatively easy to perform. If you’re up to the challenge, you can increase the intensity by adding some weights or resistance bands.
To perform the basic version, lie down on the floor, with your face up, knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Your arms should be by your side with your palms down.
Lift your hips off the ground while squeezing your glutes and controlling your core to avoid overextension of your back. Hold the bridge position for a few seconds and go back to the starting position.
Remember not to push from your heels, but to move from your hips. You can increase the repetitions or the number of sets, or also try alternative exercises such as single-leg bridges, for instance.
7.Skull Crushers
A good exercise to target your triceps, skull crushers involve concentric contractions and elbow extension.
To do these extensions properly, you should keep your elbows as still as possible while squeezing your triceps and slowly lowering the dumbbells behind your head.
Start with your arms perpendicular to the floor while laying on a decline bench. Extend your elbows and try to keep your upper arms in place while you raise and lower the weight above your head.

8.Hamstring Curl
This exercise is typically done on a leg curl machine, but if you dont have access to one, you can easily do these at home.
A simplified, yet effective version of this exercise is the standing hamstring curl. Simply stand with your feet open to the width of your hips.
Place your hands on your waist and stand on one leg. Bend the opposite knee slowly and bring your heel to your glutes, with your tights parallel. Lower the foot and repeat with the other leg.
To the surprise of perhaps some, sit-ups have also been included on this list.
They are pretty simple to perform. Lay down on your back and bend your legs with your feet on the ground to help you balance your upper body. Ensure that you don’t curve your spine while working on your core.
Place your hands behind your ears and curl your upper body towards your knees. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for 20 times for 3 sets.
We certainly could not leave step-ups out of this list. This exercise is extremely good if you are looking to work out your lower body, but you don’t have weights. All you need is a bench or a sturdy chair.
The exercise is simple but effective in targeting your hamstrings and your glutes. To make it more challenging, use some weights, or add more repetitions.
Find a bench, chair, step, or any item that you can step up on. Place one of your feet on the step (or bench, or chair). Press through your heel as you step on the bench and bring your other foot to meet the other on the step, which essentially will make you stand on the bench.
Then, return to the starting position by stepping down with the foot you first used, followed by the other, so that you are now standing on the floor. Repeat the movement starting with the other foot and keep on stepping up 30 times.
Although it’s extremely simple, it’s an incredibly effective exercise.
The Bottom Line
Concentric exercises are a great way to build up mass and to perfect your form, without the potential risk of injury. Also, they’re great if you’re looking to improve your lifting, sprinting, pushing, and pulling.
Of course, it is better to incorporate different muscle movements in your routine, to achieve better results and benefit even more from your workouts.
These exercises can be performed pretty much everywhere and don’t require any special equipment.
What are you waiting for? Start adding concentric exercises to your routine and improve your speed and overall power!
