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All of us know that regular exercise allows us to stay fit and maintain excellent health. Over the last 50 years, scientists have conducted hundreds of research studies that clearly show this.
They’ve shown that daily exercise slows down aging and reduces the risk of developing some severe diseases, including stroke, heart diseases, and even some types of cancer.
It also helps patients with chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. However, it may come as a surprise to you that daily physical activity also helps improve prostate health and prevent some prostate disorders.
Recent scientific studies show that even a few hours of training a week will help you stop prostate enlargement. So, what exactly are the best exercises for prostate enlargement?
1) Jogging
What activities should you do to keep your prostate healthy? Do you have to spend hours running on a treadmill?
Typically, you won’t find a specific training plan for men concerned about prostate enlargement. However, a well-balanced exercise program which includes up to one hour of physical activity, like jogging, each day of the week, may help prevent most health problems.
Jogging allows you to strengthen your muscles, improve your blood circulation and overall health. Also, it does not require any equipment, and you can do it everywhere.
The vital thing here is to do this exercise every day.

2) Cycling
Cycling is also an excellent exercise for those who want to prevent prostate enlargement. However, there are several rules you need to keep in mind.
A narrow bicycle seat can compress the nerves in the area between the anus and the scrotum, which can lead to numbness in the penis. Sometimes, it can even cause impotence.
Such a problem can last up to a month after a long bicycle ride. To avoid it, you should take the following precautions:
- Wear padded bicycle shorts.
- Choose a broad, soft seat. Anatomy-friendly or gell-filled seats will be the best.
- Also, tilting your bike seat forward can increase pressure on your prostate, so try to avoid it.
- Position yourself more upright by raising the handlebars.
- Check if the height of your seat is correct. Place your foot on the pedal and reach the six o-clock position. Make sure your knee is completely straight. Otherwise, you should adjust the seat height.
3) Other Traditional Exercises
Many traditional exercises help to improve the health of your prostate. You should choose one or several of them that you enjoy the most. Some exercise is better than no exercise!
Consider some of the following activities:
- walking
- raking leaves
- hiking
- aerobics
- dancing
- golfing
- gardening
- racquetball
- bicycling
- cross-country skiing
- swimming
- tennis
- basketball
Also, include 15 minutes of low-intensity movement and light stretching to warm up. In addition, add some cool-down workouts after your exercise sessions.
You can also include balance exercises, flexibility training, and strength training to your exercise program. All of them have many different health benefits.
Balance exercises prevent you from falls and injuries. Flexibility training keeps your joints limber and muscles stretched. And strength training builds your bones and muscles, increasing the ratio of lean muscle mass to fat.
4) Kegel Exercises
These practices make your muscles under the bladder and prostate stronger. Kegel exercises can help men who have problems with bowel control, urine leakage, or prostate.
To do this exercise, you need to tighten and relax the muscles that control the urine flow. But, you have to ensure that you find the correct muscles to tighten. These are the pelvic floor muscles.
You can feel them when you start and stop urination. At the same time, your abdomen, buttock muscles, and thighs must remain relaxed.
To do Kegel exercises, you should sit or lie down. Then tighten your muscles and hold them tight for a few seconds. After that, relax your muscles for about five seconds. Repeat the exercise three times a day.
5) Shoulder Stand
Yoga is also an excellent way to reduce prostate enlargement. The shoulder stand is an advanced Yoga position. You should try it only when you have built up strength in your lower back and pelvic floor.
To do a shoulder stand, you need to:
- lie down on your back and rest your head and hands on the ground;
- raise your legs upwards to lift your hips off the ground;
- put your hands on your lower back. Your hips and back should be lifted so that only your head and shoulders remain on the ground;
- try to keep your legs straight and breathe deeply;
- hold this position as long as you can.

6) Bow Pose
The bow pose is a lying-down back-bending position that strengthens your lower back, pelvic floor, and abdomen.
To do a bow pose, you should:
- lay on your stomach with your arms at sides;
- bending your knees, lift your heels towards your bottom;
- catch your ankles and hold them;
- raise your chest, shoulders, and head, trying to get your heels and head to touch;
- look upwards and breathe deeply;
- hold this position for 30 seconds, then relax and repeat it.
7) Head-to-Knee Pose
It is a seated forward bend position focusing on stretching one leg.
To do this pose, you should:
- sit on the floor;
- bend your right knee to the side;
- keep your weight over the left leg;
- hold your foot, leaning forward from your hips;
- tuck your chin in and bend your head forward;
- to release tension, it is better to breathe deeply;
- slowly release both legs;
- then repeat the exercise on the other side.
8) Cobbler Pose
This pose involves sitting down with your feet touching and your knees low to the ground. You need to:
- bend your knees to the side;
- hold your hands grasped around the feet;
- try to lower your knees as far as you can;
- hold this position for several minutes.
9) Hero Pose
This is another seated pose that can help release pelvic tension around the prostate.
To do this pose, perform the follwing:
- kneel and lower your bottom to the floor;
- rest your hands on your thighs;
- keep the weight between your hips;
- sit as straight as you can and hold the position.

10) Reclining Big Toe Pose
This is a leg extension, lying down pose that releases tension and strengthens your pelvic floor. You’ll need to:
- lie on your back;
- bend your left knee;
- keep your right leg pressed to the ground;
- hold on to your toes on your left foot;
- straighten your left leg as much as you can;
- breathe deeply into this pose;
- then repeat this exercise on the other side.
Problems with the prostate cause many inconveniences and decreases one’s quality of life. Prostate enlargement or BPH interferes with urination, making it a very painful process.
Fortunately, physical activity helps to prevent these problems. Hopefully our list of exercises can help prevent or fight any prostate enlargement you may suffer from, and keep you healthy in the years to come!