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Table of Contents
What’s up guys? This is David Hoang, coming at you from, and today I’m going to be doing an anti-inflammatory diet review.
We’re going to be talking about some of the benefits, some of the disadvantages of the diet, and just some basic guidelines and basic recommendations.
The Basics of Inflammation
Now, it’s one of those diets that…it’s just like really, really generalized.
Now, the basis of any sort of anti-inflammatory diet is that it’s basically just a recommendation of foods and a recommendation of foods to avoid, which may help prevent inflammation.
I mean, inflammation is something that can cause a lot of pain, whether it’s in your back, your knees, your feet, all over your body.
If you suffer from arthritis, or suffer from a variety of diseases where you’re in constant pain, a lot of that has to do with inflammation.
So, by eating a diet that can help fight inflammation, you’re essentially saving yourself from a lot of pain as well as a lot of other health complications as well.
The basic guideline and basic recommendation behind an anti-inflammatory diet is to put a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet, whole grains, plant-based protein, fish, fresh herbs, fresh spices, and there’s various guides out there online…there’s various programs, there’s lists of foods, so it’s not like an extremely, extremely strict diet.
There’s a lot of flexibility, there’s a lot of fluidity with the diet. But you basically can look online, look for a list of anti-inflammatory foods and kind of pick and choose which ones you want to go with.
Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Food
Now, in terms of avoiding certain types of foods, they say that you really want to try to avoid omega-6 fatty acids which are considered inflammatory.
You do need omega-6 fatty acids in your diet, but the problem, especially with a lot of us in America, is that we’re eating too much and that’s leading to a lot of inflammation.
Instead, the recommendation here is to eat more omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory.
So, a lot of people supplement omega-3 fatty acids all the time. There’s tons of different benefits to them.
And also, another big thing to avoid with this diet is to avoid highly processed or like, extremely greasy food or food that’s really, really sugar-filled. All of those can really contribute to inflammation.
Also, although there might be some controversy to it, but also gluten…might be a good idea to avoid gluten for some people.
But, you really want to avoid a lot of those processed foods…a lot of those foods with tons of salt, tons of sugars, tons of omega-6 fatty acids. Those aren’t good.
The Main Benefits
I would say the main benefits to an anti-inflammatory diet is you’re going to become overall really, really healthy. I mean, I would say that’s the big thing.
Anyone who follows a list of foods that help with inflammation…you’re going to just be a lot more healthier in general.
And it’s going to help really not only fight inflammation, but also prevent inflammation and prevent a lot of those really, really bad and nasty health complications.
They say that a lot of vegetables like kale and spinach can help reduce inflammation…a lot of those vitamin K-based foods.
And the another interesting one, is that the pigment that helps with the colored sort of fruits, can help reduce inflammation and also herbs and spices help to fight inflammation.
They say a lot of those actually contain antioxidants which are super healthy for you, which are going to keep your body really strong and fight free radicals in your body, especially when your body’s undergoing a lot of stress.
They say a really, really powerful ingredient is turmeric.
It’s found in a lot of curry powders and sold as a supplement as well.
In fact, if you go to, I’ve got some turmeric products for you to check out, so definitely check that out. But turmeric’s a really, really powerful product.
The Disadvantages
In terms of disadvantages of the anti-inflammatory diet, there’s not a ton out there.
You’re really doing yourself more good than bad by eating anti-inflammatory foods.
But, I would say a lot of people who watch this channel and a lot of my content is geared towards weight loss. I would say a disadvantage to this diet is that it’s not really geared towards people who are looking to lose weight.
Granted, I think if you really follow this diet, and live by this diet, and really eat super healthy like this diet outlines, in the long term, it’s going to definitely help with weight loss and helping you burn fat.
But overall, it’s not something that’s designed to help you lose weight in the first three months…six months…the first year.
I would say the other disadvantage is, that for some, it just might be too general.
An anti-inflammatory diet is not something that’s really, really well defined or really specified like the Atkins diet, or like Keto diet, or like Paleo diet.
It’s something that’s very, very broad. And I would say because it’s really, really broad, it might be too much or too general for some to follow, and it might be really, really hard to follow.
And because it’s just so broad and not that strict, a lot of people might not follow it or might have a hard time following it, and some people just need to adhere to a more strict schedule and they need more specific plans.
Whereas kind of the generalized, anti-inflammatory diet doesn’t necessarily do that.
Let me know your thoughts down in the comments section below.
Do you agree with what I say? Do you disagree? What are your thoughts on my list of anti-inflammatory foods as well as types of foods to avoid?
Feel free to let me know. And also if you are suffering from inflammation and if you’re in pain constantly and you really, really want to fight the pains and you’re looking for a solution outside of food, a way to really turbocharge that is to check out turmeric. It’s a fantastic supplement.
If you do want to learn more about turmeric and really turbocharge your results and really fight that pain, definitely check it out at where you can give yourself a really nice turmeric product and try out the supplement for yourself and see if it really works.
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